TheMaskedMan2 - Mentor Application
Usual character name: Weaverly Webb
BYOND username: TheMaskedMan2
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Masked#3647
Recommended by (if applicable): Lily White said "Apply for mentor already you doofus" and besides that I kinda had it in the back of my head for a while but was always too lazy to actually do it.
Goon servers you play: Mostly Goon1, I do hop on RP from time to time but not as much as I used too.

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):
I play on Goonstation a lot, it's basically my relax and goof around place. There's a huge influx of new players and I wouldn't mind helping them out. I have a lot of experience staffing previous SS13 servers as Mod/Admin/Mentor/Etc so it should be relatively simple to jump right in. I kinda miss helping out on servers behind the scenes more, and I already somewhat do it when I roll HoS, might as well go the extra mile right? Either way, I firmly believe new blood and new faces is what keeps SS13 alive, doing what we can to keep them around is in everyones best interest. It's long been on my mind to "I should apply for mentor." but I simply never got around to it until now I guess.

Experience? Uh. Way too much. Like, SS13 alone since like 2012 I think. Goonstation? More recent with that but I think it's the server i've put the most time into consistently. For game mechanics and being able to actually mentor people? I feel i'm an expert on 90% of the mechanics besides a few that just elude me. Though that's more about the deepest and most intricate parts of them like artifacts aaaaa. Security? Obviously got that down. Engineering? Easy peasy. Medical? Squeeze Easszy speezy. Science? .......I can do telesci! Cursory knowledge of most adventure zones even if i'm not an expert in them.

Anyways yes I play a lot of Goon and a lot of SS13 in general and i've been part of this community for a long time and I like the people in it and why not, right? I'm capable of assisting servers before and if I can't help the server by coding (Maybe one day), then hey, might as well help the server by mentoring right? Not sure if i'm memorable enough for most people to know me well or i'm even that good of a player but hey. Here I am. queen greater domestic space-bee

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
I got antag banned way back when for playing on a lot of servers at once hoping to get antag. This was during ssethtide when there were five servers up at once. It was pretty dumb and I was in an awkward place at the time. That was a while ago though.

Messages In This Thread
TheMaskedMan2 - Mentor Application - by TheMaskedMan2 - 08-06-2020, 04:44 PM
RE: TheMaskedMan2 - Mentor Application - by pali6 - 08-13-2020, 02:34 AM

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