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Gang needs to be reworked at the very least
I've suggested it prior, but I think players will be much more receptive to item rewards rather than 'good gang points' - So many of the gang items are extremely expensive, limited in use, and one dude can just burn all the points. Other players might not want to make other players angry by spending gang points.

Instead of giving more points to gangs at high priority areas, change it so that the high priority areas will have locked crates full of illicit, cool things teleported in. Handfuls of loose drugs, bottles of illicit medicine and poisons, bullets, weapons, stacks of money, etc.

These gang crates could spawn locked and automatically unlock near a gang locker, which means the following:
- Gangs will have to carry these crates back while keeping rivals off their tail.
- Gangs will have to fight over them or miss out on a bunch of cool toys.
- People will start congregating in weird areas, barricading them in preparation to fight off other gangs
- The items will be right next to a gang locker, so there's the option to store items that are less valuable.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Gang needs to be reworked at the very least - by TDHooligan - 07-26-2020, 06:53 AM

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