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Gang needs to be reworked at the very least
I have couple of suggestions. First, gangs should receive a penalty if they harm civilians. They should only be allowed to take action against other gang members and security that intervenes. To make distinguishing between civilians and gang members easier, I think the gang attire, at least the headwear, should simplified to just a colored bandanna. The color could be chosen or just random. That way, if you see someone with a bright colored bandanna you know that they are a gang member and not protected. Real gang members aren't afraid to show off their set, so players should be encouraged to do the same. And a lot of gang rounds are just a rush to get the swat mask first. I think this will help to eliminate some of the powergaminess.

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RE: Gang needs to be reworked at the very least - by qrqwerqwr - 07-17-2020, 09:34 PM

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