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Gang needs to be reworked at the very least
Yeah no we don't want a total return to that.

I think still be neat if we had a Gang Code but with a straight forward coded ability - "Hit"

So the Gang Code would look something like this:

1. Do not willingly damage and vent the station.
2. Do not kill civilians unless in self defense or if the Gang Boss places a "Hit"
3. Defeat the other gangs through any means necessary.

The "Hit" would be an ability used by the Gang Boss. When used, a pop-list of all the station crew will appear on it (not unlike Wizard's Clairvoyance spell). When chosen, all the gang members will receive a message on the chat
"Gang Boss placed a hit on [Name]!"
and then begins a cooldown. All the gang members will now see a little target (not unlike the sec glasses) on the chosen player. Only one hit can be placed at a time.

This allows gangs to coordinate assaults on troublesome civilian targets at the mercy of the Gang Boss while still following the Gang Code. If the Gang Boss croaks, then there can be no more hits can be placed, making their survival necessary for the Gang.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Gang needs to be reworked at the very least - by Sundance - 07-17-2020, 06:46 PM

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