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Gang needs to be reworked at the very least
Not going to add much here, but I will say a very simple but big improvement is if the suit, exosuit and hat was forced.

This used to be the way, but it was changed for some reason? Idfk why.

"But their clothing isn't space worthy / resistant to cold vented rooms!"

That's literally the point. Gangers will remain station bound and will be mindful that their actions doesn't fuck up the station. 

I'd go so far as making the mask forced, but I think the threat of suffocation is a bit too unfair. 

I'd also restrict gangs to max 3 teams, and each gang can only recruit 4 players (5 if you include the leader), and cannot replenish their team members. I'd think it'd be neat if gangers would get their ID swapped out with a different title (Bruiser, trasher, etc) and have weapons specialized to them. Not unlike nuke, but randomized.

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RE: Gang needs to be reworked at the very least - by Sundance - 07-16-2020, 02:25 PM

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