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Gang needs to be reworked at the very least
Gang is bad.  In theory it's good, but in practice it's pretty much the same thing every gang round.  Some folks, without fail, join a gang and then plasma flood, vent co2, hotwire the engine, set off ttvs and canbombs and hellmixes, vent the halls, and generally just destroy everything.  They rarely, if ever, even bother to wear the outfit.

Essentially, as it currently exists, gang mode is just a way to self-antag with no consequences.  You could replace every gang round with an ass day round and it wouldn't be any different.  Given that self-antagging is very much frowned upon, a game mode fundamentally based around it being in regular rotation is just silly.

Anyways, the big, major flaw with gang that I see is that the people who like gang don't actually like gang.  By consistently not doing what the nominal point of gang is (turf wars) and in fact doing the exact opposite (blowing up everything), they demonstrate that the only part of the mode that they actually like is the antag part.  Why keep a mode that people don't actually enjoy?  If the vast majority of nuke rounds resulted in the nukies leaving the nuke behind and then going to the station to shoot it up, would we bother to keep nuke as a mode?  I doubt it.  As it currently exists, gang does not have any real reason to exist.

From what I've seen, the general admin perception about gang is that putting limits on what they can do as antags is the wrong decision.  (For what it's worth, revolution seems to function fine with limits placed on what the revs are allowed to do.)  This leaves dealing with the self-antag portion the only real option.  Someone (I forget who, sorry) in deadchat one gang round suggested that gang members be randomly chosen at roundstart.  Would that actually help?  I don't know.

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Gang needs to be reworked at the very least - by Mouse - 07-16-2020, 10:06 AM

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