Poll: Should blob rounds end instantly when the blobs die?
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Yes, keep it as-is
15 42.86%
No, autocall the shuttle instead
10 28.57%
No, the round should not end until someone manually calls it
10 28.57%
Total 35 vote(s) 100%
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is blob rounds ending instantly when the blobs die a good feature y/n
Regarding A:

The BLOB as an entity or thing is seemingly taking over areas of the station. Could the incentive of the general populace to fight the BLOB be siphoned from even larger areal effects a BLOB has on the station? A BLOB taking over one zone of the station could perhaps receive some effects - so that it has a feasable effect on the surrounding zones?

By zones I am regarding the different air-tight rooms next to one which is already infested by the BLOB.

[Take CogMap1's Cargo-Pod-Bay as an example]
If Cargos-Pod-Bay would inhabit a Nucleus or even a single tile of a BLOB (effect increasing with more BLOB tiles present) it would affect the surounding zones.
The surrounding zones would be Mining and QM. Some visual and gameplay affecting effect could be given to Mining and QM.

[CogMap1's Bar-Medbay infested by BLOB]
Surrounding zones

Well some sort of de-buff? Perhaps choosable by the blob itself?
Not too powerful but just slightly annoying so that some people who would ordinarily not fight the blob would receive a hint to its presence close-by - and have some sort of reason to fight the foul creature.

-General small slime sprites spawning in the affected zones? Just like decals - no entities but just some fancy hue affected decals.
(-Option for a chance to randomly slow-down people in an inhabitated and affected zone temporarily. Accomadated by a visual slime effect on the player temporarily affected.)
(-Option for a chance to draw some power from the inhabitated Zones and affected zones APCs.)
(-Option to reduce the breathability of the air in the inhabitated Zones and affected zones.)

Here we got one effect that would be always present and three options for the BLOB to choose from. Key on these parts would be balancing - turn it down enough to be heck of annoying but not really a game-changer in fighting it.

- - -

Regarding a follow-up on A:
More people fighting this beast due to more noticeable effects on larger areas on the station from the get-go.
Simply - more people fighting it means more team effort and that would be great.
See.......now one might add a buff to the BLOBs defence regarding instant-kill mixes...and damage taken in general.
BLOBS would have a larger area they effect from the start....so why not make sure the BLOBs expand slower but are harder to destroy? Tankie but slow-crawling alien gels known as BLOBs would be weak regarding focused strikes but farily resistant against individual ordinary efforts.

That would surely require a heck of a lot more balancing.
But at least I think that the first part of my response packed a nice idea for this monster.

Messages In This Thread
RE: is blob rounds ending instantly when the blobs die a good feature y/n - by GORE - 07-10-2020, 10:53 AM

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