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Revert the Security Requistion Vendor
I got to mess with it a bit and my thoughts were basically

  • Okay I like that it's kinda built with strength in mind
  • I kinda wish it was more like the Nuke, where you pick a choice in from a few categories of [main weapon] [side arm] [storage]
  • I like the idea of a pinpointer but actually carrying that around feels like it's taking up space. A PDA app would take less space, but...
  • ... The Sec lockers feel redundant. I guess I'll just put the pinpointer in there
  • Ya know, I feel like if the token gave you more gear than you'd want to carry, you could store extra in personal locker in here that just is a sec locker with your name
I'd like to see variations of the concept of tasers and batons offered. For instance, a baton that doesn't have a stun but a high disarm and shove rate

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RE: Revert the Security Requistion Vendor - by Frank_Stein - 07-03-2020, 04:39 PM

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