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fix wizard spells that bypass chaplain's immunity
Hrm, if I recall correctly chaplains are also not immune to fireball? I could be wrong though.

My thoughts on the matter are this: Perhaps the chaplain being immune to the more mental based spells and bad effects due to their devote faith is fine, but I don't think they should be completely immune to some of the more physical and worldly based things. Maybe chaplains take normal projectiles at normal, the staff deal and critters summoned/created by wizards could be less effective or more easily dispatched -staff could deal just brute to chaplain while bible thwacks from a chaplain on wiz critters could dispell them or on golems could counter the smoke effect on death-, and then chaplain immunity to polymorph, blind, arse nath, etc. could stay as is at full immunity.

Messages In This Thread
RE: fix wizard spells that bypass chaplain's immunity - by Drago156 - 07-01-2020, 08:16 AM

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