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Add a chem dispenser + Testing chamber to ghost VR
Some sort of chemistry lab would be nice to have in ghost VR, where you could then use grenade starter kits to make hellmixes to dominate the murderbox. Or ya know, testing mixes. On that note it should also have a destroyable room, that could be repaired by clicking a floor bot or something in the wall, with two other buttons to spawn 5 monkies, and 5 test subject human things

It would also be cool to see something like this for scientists to use, with basically the same stuff as the ghost VR one IE(chem dispensers, regeant heaters, larger and normal beaker dispensers, flamethrowers for testing mixes, and the test chamber)

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Add a chem dispenser + Testing chamber to ghost VR - by Boxta - 06-25-2020, 08:24 AM

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