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Wizard Spells that need to be more FUN
make pandemonium more chaotic with many more effects, some devastating to better account for the increased amount of possible effects to heighten the likelihood for some crazy shit to happen

Spawn random critters, paint the surrounding area with random colors, lube the floors, trigger a random event (including ion storms), cast a random spell for free, heal everyone in the area by a good amount, summon a small amount of artifacts, emag random items nearby, summon a new wizard staff, summon a fake wizard staff, give nearby people a random mutation, generate a disease reagent in a nearby person, get everyone on the station mildly drunk, summon sexy owls, change the colors of nearby lights, cause items nearby to change orientation

There are too many things that could happen with this spell and I want them all. MAKE PANDEMONIUM MORE CHAOTIC. Not good, not evil, neutral - it can go either way. But it needs to be MORE Chaotic Neutral. It 100% needs to be.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Wizard Spells that need to be more FUN - by aft2001 - 06-22-2020, 05:30 AM

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