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(Weekly blobuff post warning)Reduce how much damage a blob takes from chemicals.
You probably all know the story by now. Blobs have no real defenses against hellsmoke, which usually instantly destroys the core. Nobody likes this. Everytime it happens the server seems to collectivly go "wow that was fucking stupid". There's been many proposed fixes to this, but so far the concept of nerfing chems against them aloneĀ doesn't seem to come up much.

First off, this just makes themetic sense. Blobs are made of exotic matter or some shit, not normal chemicals like a normal cell. They basically have infinite mass and barely interact with the chemicals the station is made of or that are in the air. If they're really just supposed to be made of the same substances as tradional cells but on a massive scale, the game has honestly done a poor job communicating it.

There's been some other proposed solutions to this, and I'll document why they probably wouldn't work.

Nerf chemsmoke - No, it's seemingly fine for everything else and a critical part of Goonstation.
Raise the blob's nuclear health - It already has a shitload of health, and every other membrane would have the same amount of health.
Reduce the amount of damage a core can get from any single source - A "single source" generally isn't a problem with anything except hellsmoke or a canbomb. Changing all of the anti-blob weapons seems pointless.

Ideally, nerfing the damage of chemsmoke specifically, would go straight to the source of the issue and change little else. Other things might need changes, but I'm not sure they should be lumped into this.

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(Weekly blobuff post warning)Reduce how much damage a blob takes from chemicals. - by DJ-Fireball_did_this - 06-17-2020, 11:58 AM

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