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Spacebux purchase idea: Alternate Job Title
[Civilian Jobs:]
Staff Assistant : Greytider
Chef : Meat Artisté
Chaplain : Prophet
Barman : Drunkards Union Rep
Botanist : Plant Whisperer
Janitor : Trashdigger
Clown : Honker

Mechanic : Wire-Fryer
Engineer : Radiator Technician
Miner : Rockworm Hunter
Quartermaster : Storage-Forager

Medical Doctor : Boo-Boo-Patch-Guy
Geneticist : Chair Monkey
Roboticist : Conciousness Creator
Scientist : Unhinged Madman

[Command/ Security:]
Security Officer : Copper
Detective : Ol'Watchman
Nanotrasen Security Operative : Crisis Intervention Officer
Chief Engineer : Master of Heat-Distribution
Medical Director : Patchmaster
Research Director : Professor Professor
Communications Officer : Newsletter Operative
Head of Security : Capeman
Head of Personnel : Master of the Tide
Captain : Drunkard

[Job of the Day:]
Mime : Le Mimodrame
Barber : Hair Collector
Mailman : Space Delivery Service-Operator
Lawyer : Public Defender
Tourist : Visitor
Vice Officer : Buddy
Boxer : Fist-Communicator

[Gimmick Jobs:]
Radio Show Host (Talk Show Host) : Man of the People
Mime : Le Mimodrame
VIP : Capitalist
Pharmacist : Mister Chill-Pill
Union Rep : [Department] NanoTrasen Dispute-Resolve-Professional
Diplomat (Ambassador) : Politician
Musician : SpaceCloud Rapper
Salesman (Merchant) : Shady Dealer
Journalist : Public Investigator
Coach : Hired Trainer
Sous Chef : NanoTrasen Cuisine Expert
Waiter : Servant of the Cuisine
Apiculturist (Apiarist) : Bee Ambassador
Psychologist (Therapist, Psychotherapist) : Brain Doctor
Test Subject : NanoTrasen Experimental-Prisoner
Regional Director : "Second-Craptain"
Inspector : NanoTrasen Procedure-Check Officer
Hollywood Actor : Clown Apprentice

Messages In This Thread
RE: Spacebux purchase idea: Alternate Job Title - by GORE - 06-12-2020, 01:46 AM

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