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Random Event: Drone Assault Platform/New Drone Ideas
I think that minor antagonists (like wraiths) are a great addition to any round. On their own, they'd be destroyed with enough focus. But, they add so much more chaos if they can't be handled when the crew is focused on another antag (like lings or traitors).

Could definitely be a very interesting role to play - using Scrap to make more drones, and obtaining Scrap both passively (think just scrapping nearby debris fields), but also actively as you grind parts of the station down to make more drones. Investing in combat-focused drones to handle people trying to break apart your shit. And, eventually, getting enough scrap and possibly some kind of rarer resource (kinda like blob EVO points) to be able to make FAR more interesting drones, possibly Y-Drones and maybe Z-Drones.

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RE: Random Event: Drone Assault Platform/New Drone Ideas - by aft2001 - 06-10-2020, 10:55 AM

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