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Cyborg bugs
2 bugs
so this one cyborg had his body badly damaged and yet trying to repair with the dock, welders, and cables said he was fine even though examining him showed that he was all dented and sparking and shit. So, to fix this, I built him a new body and took out his brain and put it in the new body. I left the old body's brain case open. Then he mentioned that had been mining and had a shitload of minerals stuck in his old body so I swapped him back so he could offload them. However, after putting his brain back in the old body again I could not remove it. I tried closing and reopening the brain case, swiping my ID, loads of things. Nothing worked. Then, later on, I put a new brain in the new body I'd made for him, and when it turned out to be braindead I couldn't remove it, either. The bug seems to be that if you open a borg's brain, take the brain out, then put in a new brain, the brain gets stuck. The window doesn't come up at all.

I have no idea what was up with the original body being unfixable, but it was.

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