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Scoviles - A measurement of Food Spiciness

I would like to propose the introduction of a new status effect / variable to peppers and food derived with peppers as an ingredient.

Scoville units are a measurement of the percieved heat, or spiciness, of a food.

Gameplay Mechanics:
I would propose that these scoville units can be bred via selective breeding in botany, and range in physiological effects from minor health regen/perspiration/increased heart rate to convulsions/screaming/debilitation at the extreme ends of the spectrum.

The hottest peppers in the world, after all, are not technically edible. At that intensity, they're more of a poison than a medicine.

* The condition could be eased, but not removed, by consuming milk. 
* As it decreases, it would yeild the positive health effects of lower scovile tiers. 
* Vomiting would worsen the condition. 
* Defication after large consumption would result in screams, but not pose physical harm.

This could add a fun new spin for botany and chef classes, as well as an interesting player status effect, similar to drinking but with new potential interactions and consumption methods.

I've just been informed that defecation isn't a feature anymore, but that hardly changes much.

Messages In This Thread
Scoviles - A measurement of Food Spiciness - by Digman - 06-04-2020, 11:33 AM

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