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Ideas to expedite breach repairs.
Fixing the station is the easy part, even a large hole takes me max 3 mins to patch up, repressurizing is the tedious and annoying part.

Improvements to metal foam nades and floorbots are a good idea, but this won't help with depressurization even if you are right there with the foam nade in hand and toss it right after a breach, it'll still depressurize most if not all of the area. Like I've seen a small explosion that blew 1 tile breach in the floor depressurize the entire central hallway before I could patch it up with a floor tile I pried off from right next to it right after it got breached. This doesn't always happen and I think it's a glitch that sometimes happens with atmos, but it happens frequently enough to make changes to the speed of repair kinda pointless.

How I'd fix it? No idea other than trying to fix atmos somehow. Though both are good ideas I'd like to see regardless of this, it'll still help with the fixing part.

On the fixing side, there's the things like not noticing the window with no floor under it(still happens quite often even though it's been attempted to fix before), not noticing a hole under a table and having breaches behind unremovable things or things that require a lot of effort to move like vending machines or consoles. Add to this the usual darkness that follows the blowing of lights and it's usually the norm when people start refilling an area that there's still a breach hiding somewhere. Oh and glass windows when you place them on grilles by clicking on them, they'll still act like directional windows even though the sprite is the new large window, you still have to be diagonal when clicking to place a large window.

There's no easy way to fix this other than by people learning to spot the missing breaches, even I still miss them sometimes, but one thing I'd say is that the directional flashlights definitely didn't help in this regard. It was easy enough to miss a wall breach in the darkness behind a broken vending machine before, now you have to actively hunt for them. I do still like the change to flashlights, but something else is needed for repairing blown up parts of the station. Perhaps more general access mesons or a new draggable worklight located with heaters and air canisters that'll illuminate a very large area with a power cell powering it. Maybe even a new type of smoke nade or some tool that produces smoke that would move towards a breach to check for leaks before you start repressurizing.

Also, remove the ability to make directional windows with the click-on-grille placement style, it's virtually impossible to find this cause if somebody has made a directional window somewhere while placing them and most probably don't even know that it'll still do this. The only way to spot the directional window is to right-click on the window and seeing the directional window sprite in the drop-down menu.

On the canned air, it's a great idea to help fix the tedium, but for a large area like the central hallway it'd still require a lot of nades because air just doesn't seem to move enough. I think in addition to this I'd recommend making all the normal white air canisters into the high cap ones and having some sort of tool or maybe just changing how dragging works with the canisters so that you don't have to constantly stop to grab the canister again since the air will quite often push the canister away and break the pull. Or better yet, have the air move around faster so that you didn't have to drag the canisters around for minutes, but I understand the pain of atmos related things. Some fixes to the air hookups could be good too, maybe more air in the reserve tank. Really though for the air hookups to really be of use the pipes need to still be intact and most likely if there's an explosion, they aren't.

Messages In This Thread
Ideas to expedite breach repairs. - by kyle2143 - 06-01-2020, 12:14 AM
RE: Ideas to expedite breach repairs. - by Tribaja - 06-01-2020, 07:05 PM

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