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colored lighting overhaul
magic mountain Wrote:Blinking lights are currently too cpu intensive to exist.

It might be possible with some kind of special optimised blinking light code that saves the on and off states and flips back and forth between the saved values instead of recalculating everything for every change like it would now.

Unfortunately I think I'm too stupid to do that.

Someone bribe Tobba.

This is an interesting concept here actually - lights are basically additive aren't they? Fixtures are fixed unless someone builds one, so it would make sense to cache each turfs' light contributions per area in both their off and on state (would the off be like 0?); then you could determine the turf's lighting by taking the contribution from all non-zero contribution powered areas (much faster than recalculating it by taking each fixture), and when that's done, add the uncacheable contributing factors (fires, flashlights, whatever). This way only turfs which are in range of a light bulb/tube being removed/added have to be recalculated.

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