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Remove captains ability to roll antag
I rescind my previous suggestion on limiting it to hardmode captain. I'm flip-flopping here, but consider this:

My lizard brain was not thinking straight as others have pointed out that this would also mean no other antagonist options such as changeling, etc. 

There's also the point of luck of the draw, sometimes you roll captain traitor and it's jackpot. But the same argument could be made about the HoP. Hell even the Detective. Don't like your roll and need more? There's a thing called mindslave.. the great equalizer. The game is all about intrigue, let's not lose sight of that. 

The point being made that the Captain is just an assistant with an egun.. well yeah. He's always been shown as a bumbling oaf, thats kind of the point? If players want something meaningful for the Cap'n then suggest stuff that the Captain can do, not take away his antag status. 


I do believe in a softer approach to this suggestion, and that is the option as Captain to purchase a 12  "flex" item similar to the Syndicate timeforcrime hat, thus giving them the option to effectively hardmode traitor themselves, for style points.

Of course, as Captain, it would have to be the ultimate flex. 

A 12tc item that gives them a box containing:
- The Syndicate Commander clothing (or something similarly threatening) 
- A military PDA with a Value-Synd Cartridge
- The Value-Synd Cartridge contains all of the previous programs PLUS Detomatrix PLUS Syndicate command announcement.
- The Syndicate Command announcement is a remote announcement program that allows the syndicate captain to announce his evil deeds to the crew with an ominous jingle (with cooldown of course).

This would fit in nicely and hopefully encourage players to opt for the flex option as it would be outrageous in a similar manner to the Crime Hat. I know for a fact I would pick this if I rolled syndicate captain. Flex option err'day.

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RE: Remove captains ability to roll antag - by Sundance - 05-08-2020, 04:07 AM

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