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Replace the free revolver and speedloader nukies get with a M95 and pouch of ammo
How about a new design based on the Mateba? It provides the "Tacticool" feel of a M95 whilst looking evil and filling the role that the Revolver does now. If we DO wanna go with an autoloader, I'd suggest the TT-33 as a base as it looks evil, tactical AND uses a native mostly-AP round that still does good on flesh. Along with that it provides a 8/9 round capacity depending on which mag you base it on as to provide a middle ground between a revolver and the classic semi-auto. Finally in a variation seen in Kingsman, an underbarrel grenade launcher is added to the gun for that extra "Nuke-Ops" fun should it be considered.

TL;DR: I have a deep love of the Tokarev and want it, willing to sprite if asked to despite being bad at sprites.

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RE: Replace the free revolver and speedloader nukies get with a M95 and pouch of ammo - by Wisecrack34 - 05-02-2020, 10:21 PM

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