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Remove pathology until it's balanced.
It should be noted that, AFAIK, symptoms available to be put into a pathogen are randomly generated each round. Naturally as a result one is not guaranteed to be able to make a beneficial pathogen.

I'm not sure how the random selection works, but having guaranteed (albeit random) beneficial symptoms available would probably help with the overall problem of pathology being a literal and metaphorical blight on the station. Perhaps a set of guaranteed albeit simple beneficial symptoms that are available every round, with more powerful symptoms randomly determined at the start of the round? E.G. A symptom that slowly heals brute damage would be guaranteed to be available, but a symptom that makes it so you don't have to breathe would *not* be guaranteed.
The same should go for negative symptoms.

Again, I'm not 100% sure as to how symptoms are determined, so the entire previous paragraph may be irrelevant.

I also believe that adding more symptoms would probably be a good idea, particularly beneficial ones, on top of changing the list of mutations that the Beneficial Mutation symptom adds.

Messages In This Thread
Remove pathology until it's balanced. - by trerri - 04-20-2020, 06:06 AM
RE: Remove pathology until it's balanced. - by aft2001 - 04-22-2020, 04:26 PM

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