Mark(Nstein)'s Mentor Application
Usual character name: Mark Butter
BYOND username: MarkNstein
Discord username: 
Recommended by: Rybek, SaccharineChampion (Connie, seems to have left the discord?)
Goon servers you play: Both

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):
Reason: I generally enjoy learning and teaching. It can help add variety to starting the T.E.G. for the fiftieth time. I also spend a lot of time on Discord, and have tried to help others there as I can, though being in-game is much more effective. I'd also appreciate being able to read mentorhelps in areas I'm not versed in. Lastly, on the rare occasions Mark B. is un-robust and dies before shuttle call, I wouldn't mind using the mentor mouse to help whisper to others.

Game Experience: Started playing in Oct-2019 I think. Picked up engineering pretty quickly thanks to the Wiki and some helpful players. Since then I tend to target a department or job and dive into it. I'd say I have a good handle on: doctoring (medchems, wiki-surgery), robotics, telesci (though that's hard to explain OOG), engine-ering, mechanist (de/construct, DWAINE, mechcomp), mining, QM, and to a lesser extent: chef.
I spend most shifts in the engineering department, and always useful tip I pass on to newbies is: Grab a belt, wear it, then with blue toolbox in-hand, click the belt.   —   Gets a positive reaction every time.   That and telling Oshan engineers to ALWAYS bring a named GPS with them whenever they leave the station.
Additionally, I've spent a decent amount of time on GoonRP, and can easily separate OOC/Mentorhelp information from affecting my play. I play for the station's fun, not to powergame.

Previous bans: None.

Messages In This Thread
Mark(Nstein)'s Mentor Application - by MarkNstein - 04-21-2020, 06:22 PM
RE: Mark(Nstein)'s Mentor Application - by pali6 - 05-17-2020, 01:03 PM

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