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Remove the Cloaking Device
Embolism Wrote:
Klayboxx Wrote:If the room you're in doesn't have shards of glass in it, something is wrong.

But actually yeah shards of glass are really good thrown weapons so it wouldn't hurt to keep one on you if you're worried about it. Also, the point of traitor items is that not EVERYONE can be ready for what you have. If everyone spawned with a stun baton then traitor rounds would be way less fun since everyone is equipped to deal with threats. You're gonna get killed by things in this game you can't do shit about, thats the point. Adapt and overcome.

Also get over the rare equipment thing. There usually isn't a round where I don't end up with a taser gun or baton.

When you think about it though, every traitor item can conceivably, and do get foiled by regular crew members: a lucky disarm, stun gloves (like half the station has insulated gloves these days it seems) or just the good old fire extinguisher. The thing is, these "everyperson" measures have one thing in common: they're all melee abilities. And the Cloak makes you completely immune to such abilities. Even if you know they're right there, it simply won't work.

When I get assassinated with a sleepypen, blown to pieces by a pipebomb or sliced open by a sabre, I can usually think of what I could've done differently that might've made things different. Against a Cloak, I usually couldn't if I don't already have a taser, phaser or thermals.

With regards to guns and thermals, well; you're the type of player who likes robusting so it's relatively normal for you to actively seek out security equipment without being security (going into the vigilante thing that someone mentioned).

Well I'd think that diverse gameplay would be encouraged. Whats the point of different items if your ideal game is where everything can be taken care of the same way?

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