07-14-2013, 09:49 AM
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Yeah, I mean the amount of times I'll walk through a door and be hit by:
An energy bolt
An amplified vuvuzela shot
Toxic Spit
A magic missile
A swarm of angry bats
Any of the other billion-and-one ways to get instantly taken down, and almost certainly killed
Are pretty goddamned frequent. By pure virtue of the fact that the cloak costs so much, I know that the guy using it probably won't have the money for something like a Cyalume Saber, or a Butcher Knife, or shit like that. The chances of a cloaker killing you are about the same as getting killed by anything else, just deal with it.
The difference between those things and the Cloak is that you can still do something against the user even if you don't have specialised equipment. Of course if you get surprised (as is usually the case) then you have no chance, but with a Cloak even if you know they're there, without relatively rare equipment there is very little you could do about them.