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Mr. Green's Clown Application
Usual Clown name: Mr.Green/Honkey
BYOND username: De Luuk
Recommended by (if applicable): Tanhony
Goon servers you play: Goon 2

Clowning Experience:
Answer one or more of the following:
 ? What advice would you give to other Clowns?
- Hacked monkey vendors contain bananas. Yes. Banana trees also contain bananas. Yes!
- Do not underestimate the power of the rubber ducky. When the time comes, pay your respects. Bow for it!
 ? What was one of your favorite Clown moments? (Either playing as a Clown or interacting with one)
Take a 3 tile wide hallway, block the way with: a banana, a picture of a banana and something to hide in, preferably a comedy supply crate. Put the crate in the middle and the other things on either side of it. Then put some lube on the tile the picture is on to start with. More experienced players will see this setup and just walk over the banana. Newer players will pick up on this too and follow their lead. After a lil while of enjoying the view start swapping the banana and pic around and also mix up which has the lube. People that have passed before will confidently walk into the lube. You will have a great view from all of this from your crate. Not the most original, i know, but this has had me laughing so hard i cried in the past.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions:
 ? Suggest a new clowning tool or gadget (i.e. bike horn, canned laughter)
- Rubber Goosy
- Juggling Pins (something to juggle, and i could imagine that picking up other items while juggling could add them to the juggle too)
- More bike horn variations (i.e. dramatic bike horn)
 ? What's a prank or gimmick that you've always wanted to pull off?
Magical Journey thru Space and possibly Time powered by Space Lube, Pipes and Teleporters©
Reference Material <- imagine that, but with a flipping clown instead of Adrian and more pipes.
 ? Draw a picture!
[Image: SuVojcN.png]

Messages In This Thread
Mr. Green's Clown Application - by Mr. Green - 04-01-2020, 07:13 PM

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