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The Soviet Shuttle Replacement
Heya.  I know I've only been back one day but I saw what happened to the Soviet Shuttle... and I mourned it.  I used to use it to pull off large scale antag stuff that I couldn't otherwise.   The kinda stuff that took forty five minutes even with the ease the Soviet provided.  That and the engy ship let antags pull off stuff that was the culmination of learning all the roles.    That said I read the threads on its removal and I understand some of the  points made... so... I wanted to make a proposal...

Add a VIP area to the Listening Post that contain's chem (small room with two chemmasters, reagent extracter, four packs of beakers, 2 backs of large beakers), botany at an almost exact remake of the soviet shuttle, maybe with two machines, and a straight up empty room for people who want to deploy some engineer stuff ( put wires under the ground).

This VIP room would get more people to make use of the syndie shuttle PLUS:
  • It would cost 5 crystals for the VIP syndie card, so antags who wanted to use it would need to sacrifice some of their power budget... a decently good items worth
  • you could put an immortal guard buddie to keep the wizard from using it
  • No handheld artifacts... you still gotta find those on your own.
  • No strelka 
  • If two antags buy the card, they still run the risk of one killing the other but there's also an exciting opportunity for collaboration.

This would negate the negatives of the Soviet Shuttle while still allowing people who've hit their higher craft to do some elaborate stuff without getting all their prep messed up halfway through, but still causing them to lose nearly half their crystals.

Room would also contain two space suits, oxygen,  and jetpacks in case someone decided to check the Listening post for pods.

Just an idea.

Messages In This Thread
The Soviet Shuttle Replacement - by vampirate - 04-01-2020, 08:44 AM
RE: The Soviet Shuttle Replacement - by Tarmunora - 04-02-2020, 11:07 PM
RE: The Soviet Shuttle Replacement - by vampirate - 04-02-2020, 11:20 PM
RE: The Soviet Shuttle Replacement - by warcrimes - 04-03-2020, 09:56 AM
RE: The Soviet Shuttle Replacement - by Kubius - 04-03-2020, 01:44 PM
RE: The Soviet Shuttle Replacement - by DasBrain - 04-05-2020, 02:37 PM

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