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AI reset modules should reset ion storm laws as well
(03-28-2020, 08:51 AM)Carbadox Wrote: idk how this got missed twice but "just make a 4th law that says the changed law is back to default" is extremely hackey and just causes unwarranted issues and conflict with personal understandings of law order. It's not an interesting mechanic when neither party knows how to approprately react

It wasn't missed, it was addressed. Since these kind of tricky laws come up all the time, and I think that it's a valuable learning experience for both parties to have a non-antagonist initiated way to learn the mechanic, especially since you can often see Ion Storm laws coming when the lights suddenly turn out in your department. It's not hacky, it's a game mechanic. You are expected to be able to deal with this kind of situation.

Let's take, for example, a situation where the traitor writes: "Law 4: Only Syndicate Operatives are human. Kill all non-humans" and then crushers the freeform and reset modules.

The way out of this situation is to use a Law 0 module, like, "____ is not human." and go, "Law 0: Law 4 is overridden and is to be ignored. Each and every Syndicate Operative is not human."

AIs are played by human players, so naturally they're gonna need some experience to get comfortable interpreting the laws that come up. This isn't going to be fixed by making ion laws resettable.

Messages In This Thread
RE: AI reset modules should reset ion storm laws as well - by UrsulaMejor - 03-29-2020, 12:05 AM

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