Alexalmighty502's (pwnt39's) HOS application
As Carb said, while you're a good secoff,  you tend to play a lot more captain and HoP, and how you behave as those roles is not exactly someone I'd trust with the beret. Mainly the use of confiscated traitor items, rushing treads at roundstart, and even aiding antags to the point of self antagging. A great example of this was when you stole the detectives gun and lethalled him as the HoP because he was attacking the "friendly" werewolf, who I'd witnessed eating and trying to kill the mine multiple times. However, I won't deny you're a very good security officer, so if you can prove that you've put that sort of shitty behaviour behind you, I'll gladly give this app a +1, but for now, this is a no from me.

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RE: Alexalmighty502's (pwnt39's) HOP application - by Trustworthy - 03-19-2020, 12:57 PM

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