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Allow antags who are killed early come back as wraiths sometimes
Basically, the idea is that if an antagonist dies within 5-7 minutes of the round starting to something that isn't a suicide (this should probably include russian revolvers and biblefarts), then they have a chance to come back as a Wraith to take revenge on the living who wronged them. Not only would it make Wraiths a bit more common, which they really should be because they're fun, but also prevent someone's antag round from being completely ruined because the cap saw them ordering traitor stuff in maint 3 minutes into the shift and magdumped them with lethals or gets caught by some assistant and subsequently mobbed 6 minutes in after feeding off the diner NPCs (we've all been there, trust me).

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Allow antags who are killed early come back as wraiths sometimes - by Mopcat - 03-19-2020, 08:12 AM

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