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Spawn borgs and AIs for people to latejoin by default
[Please read the edit at the bottom]

The maximum number of Cyborg players selected from Readied players is, I believe, 3. The maximum for AI is 1.

By default, no borgs or AIs are available to join to play as when latejoining. Roboticists can make these, but that is not guaranteed.

If less than the max are put into the corresponding role (e.g only 1 borg is selected), then the remaining number should be spawned as units with Intelligence Formation Chips, allowing a latejoin AI without any work from a Roboticist, and the same with borgs if less than 3 have already been spawned in.

For example, this scenario would occur with this mechanic implemented:
No AI is selected at roundstart. 3 borgs are selected at roundstart. Thus, in the AI core an empty AI with an Intelligence Formation Chip is spawned in lieu of an active AI. A player then wants to latejoin, and they have the option of joining as an AI. However, as 3 borgs were already selected at roundstart, this player cannot latejoin as a borg unless a roboticist has made more.

All other jobs can latejoin if the job has not reached capacity yet; silicons should be no different. They are useful and enjoyable for some people to play, and some people also prefer to latejoin.


It seems as though people dislike the idea of *borgs* being able to latejoin, and have provided good arguments against it. Thus I suggest only AIs be able to latejoin. It may be prudent to have a Central Command announcement saying that a new AI has been downloaded, to make sure everyone knows that an AI has joined.

Messages In This Thread
Spawn borgs and AIs for people to latejoin by default - by aft2001 - 03-12-2020, 12:53 PM

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