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Make clothing infusion even somewhat balanced
Heh, no. Clothing actually works as intended and it doesn't need to broken somehow, instead tool/weapon infusions need work.

As with these problems... Starstone is so incredibly rare and stimulants an equally rare-ish traitor item that it shouldn't be an issue. And if it really is then you can hit the person with straight and instant lethals and mob them, stims can not outpace continued mass damage. Colonel/charcoal are also good options to clear their system as well as it not stopping nor removing prions or nanomachines, which aren't hard to get.

And if all else fails you can resort to Insta-gib tactics like bombs or the crusher.

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RE: Make clothing infusion even somewhat balanced - by Drago156 - 03-09-2020, 10:13 AM

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