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Re-balance borgs so they can't immunize themselves to flashes
I think this is a perfectly fine thing as is, excluding the beaker mixing while stunned. I say this because as it stands, area flashing is very powerful against borgs and critters and even people due to the mis-step. Flashes are a pretty common thing and most people carry them, so I don't think it's that bad that borgs should have some sort of way to counter that one thing. Not to even mention the cost/time needed to actually get all of that stuff and the fact it requires some active and good miners or some luck with locked crates. Meanwhile flashes take a measly like what... 5 metal? to produce, overall MUCH MUCH cheaper than all of the borg upgrades for not even immunity but stun reset.

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RE: Re-balance borgs so they can't immunize themselves to flashes - by Drago156 - 03-08-2020, 02:44 PM

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