HoS Application - Dante Kynnyrrem for GoonstationRP
I frequently play the RP server, and being perfectly honest, I've only seen you there for a few rounds, and never prior to your job unban, and its never been a Sec role. Usually as AI, in fact. I also recall an instance where I asked you to unbolt a door and you jumped to assuming that I was accusing you of bolting it in the first place (it was bolted thanks to an electrical storm, and a failed door hack can also bolt doors) and proceeded to never unbolt the door, showing you as being both defensive to a fault and ignorant of basic game mechanics. You are far to green to have an HoS hat in my opinion, and possibly too immature as well. Both of these things can improve with time, but that time is not now.

I vote no on this.

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RE: HoS Application - Dante Kynnyrrem for GoonstationRP - by Ion Mage - 03-03-2020, 12:52 PM

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