HoS Application - Dante Kynnyrrem for GoonstationRP
Usual character name: Dante Kynnyrrem
BYOND username: FinnKWeismann
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Finn Kynnyrrem#6131
Recommended by (if applicable): Myself
Goon servers you play:
Goonstation RP

Reason for application: 
I mainly play security now. And I think I got a pretty good ghasp of how to act as head of security. Its the same as me- playing a scientist for a while and understanding all the fields quite a bit, how to act, roleplay as a scientist or well enough to rate myself worthy of playng a director and create fun and engaging RP scenarios that would be either beneficial to everyone or to the anags if they get the timing right or brainwash/control me. I do that cause rounds usualy go pretty boring until the antag decides to borderline nuke the ship/release crazy monkeys that attack everyone/a ling stings everyone and silently kills the whole crew if this happens then it becomes annoying/irritating/boring. I want to bring something unique to the HoS. A Character of its own. I am a diehard addict to roleplay and creating a legend of a downfall or a birth of a legend. Antagonists have a better chance to write a downfall or a legend as I said but it can be done with other jobs that can be non antags. Like a janitor that one day *acquired* a katana and an odd curse that makes him go bloodthirsty. Or the same scenario but with a twist of him having a split personality. Now, I am applying for a roleplay server specifically and the way I see it, an antagonist can roleplay as a good guy until the very end if he completes goals he has in-mind this can be flexible to all antags except Changeling cause you are naturally a monster actively seeking more minds to be assimilated into you. Long story short, you can be an antagonist that doesn't kill or do anything bad but you have to make it interesting, compelling. 

Overall my point - To make the round interesting. Have a better roleplay experience.

My HoS Char persona: A NT Unspoken legend that's name has been wiped from history and his face, body, diferent than what it once was. A man so used to combat and action that he has been known amongst NT as hyperadaptive, fast, cunning, rutheless but most importantly loyal to NT.
A man that has no problem being forgotten or wiped from history
A man that thinks serving NT is honorable enough.

Security experience (300 word minimum)
Last time i wrote this I was short and lazy, not this time though.
I belive i can be a prime candidate for the HoS due to my extensive knowhow on security. I think that I should be picked as a HoS member as I would be dedicated to fulfilling my duties in a well down and well timed manner.
My experiances with security overall is simple on the RP server. If you are a security officer you are most likely to sit around patrolling the station until something comes up and your presence is required. This kind of *normal* sec roleplay is a bit boring. I play alot as a detective, solving crimes, keeping an eye on people and tracking them. Detective work is more engaging with the antags due to you having high chances of encountering the antagonist first. Basicaly you are the fist officer to report in to the scene of the crime. I believe I should be given this Head Of Security Whitelist, because I have what it takes and the correct mindset and knowledge to monitor and work on the field as security. I am very experienced in leadership and I am capable of making the right choices that will benefit the crew and keep a sustainable line of defence on the station if relations are kept in the best form possible. I also believe I should receive this whitelist, because I know EXACTLY what one should do from spectating many others and from conducting Security operations myself.

For example:
A Changeling goes wild and starts killing everyone/hurting i would announce about this and inform everyone to meet at mebay. Equip some men to take the ling down (IF there are no sec on except me) send a few men to guard medbay whilst help with making weaponry against the ling such as flamethrowers and stuns. I would begin by having sec defend medbay whilst having fewer operatives patrol Maintenance and the main halls. I would order the sec to ambush and kill all hostiles and that would be it. But i would tell sec to preferably capture it alive and to restrain. Once the hostile is restrained, I would have them transported to the Cells for temporary holding whilst I prepare for their interrogation and give them three options, be implanted with a loyalty chip, turned into a borg, Public execution. Once ready, I will begin interrogating the hostile. If they choose to loyalty implant them, I would have them undergo a mandatory training to have them prove their worthiness and skills. If they portray as weak and hold no skill, I would kill them or send them to a more simple department such as Janitor work with survalance. If they prove useful, I would have them placed on to the Sec team with trust of a slightly better sec keycard. Maybe even a personal guard.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    Don't be a twat. If the map has shuttles you can use indoors don't go
    "I am going to ram you with full speed until you die, then burn your corpse and ignore all that potential RP i could have opened up to." Overall, don't be a dick, this is an RP server we are looking to have a good story be told to us BY us, give the antagonists some breathing room. And engage RP not jus kill someone and forget about it, borg them maybe even turn them into an AI, perhaps clone them and loyalty implant them. Make it so you councer your enemies while letting them live with the abbilities. Cause some antags get dealt a bad hand or... some antags like the vampire are underpowered as shit and antags like changelings are OVERPOWERED LIKE FUCK.
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    I was a detective. Detective Dante Finn Kynnyrrem, an alcoholic and a smoker with a secret. Dante is a changeling but he has grander plans than his primitive desire to consume, he, long time ago found out that nurturing a person and getting them to trust you and BAM take them out either by neurotoxin or shooting them in the head. It produces a, better taste. So Dante set on his quest to consume the whole crew goes out to look what he can cause. A report rolls in about him specificaly, he breaks in the bridge and burns the evidance, after that he has a great idea. He will frame one of the crew members as a vampire. So he takes a bible and goes to the HoP and says "There might be a vamp around. Please look out, i know i can trust you i have a strange feeling." after warnin the HoP he sets out to sabotage the MD. To make her look like she is a bloodsucker. Dante in the end negates all suspicion to her and becomes trusted. After a bit he gets his first victim. And shortly after his second one. Then he sets out to space, to the radio station where another rascal was playn music. He locates her and tells her to play him a song. She does and collapses immediatly, another one bites the dust. Dante heads back to the ship and finds a miner, he gets him and another skull for the skull throne. At this point only one crew member is left but he doesn't know that. He heads towards the esape shuttle and finds him, he screams and starts running, Dante chases him down and more blood for the blood god. In the end he makes it out alive until a brave crew member sets him on fire, The member didn't make it and Dante reached central with an army of buttcrabs. It was fun deciveing people with forged evidance.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
    I don't know really i don't see people play sec too often i would recomend as in the first quesiton to give antags a chance to set the stage for theyr shenanigans.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    When a sec team is present someone leads the team or we all do our own things but when you are the only sec, you are a target to alot of people and a valuable ally to most too.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
    Oh great NanoTrasen! You bring duty! You bring order! You bring justice to the clown in the corner! Save us from this insanity! I think i threw up LSD again! Hahahaha! (Sorry im really bad with this)

  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    I always wanted to turn a team of sec into roman legionares callin the capitan they'r emperor and the AI the holy spirit

  • Draw a picture!
    yeah sure[Image: somethingwitty.png]
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
Had a week ban from the Head jobs three months back. Due to a pure misunderstanding in my RP

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HoS Application - Dante Kynnyrrem for GoonstationRP - by Kynn - 03-02-2020, 03:54 PM

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