07-10-2013, 12:50 PM
Motherfucker Wrote:I'm assuming you're proposing a hypothetical scenario in which someone uses the limitations I proposed in order to discover weather someone is a mindslave to another or not...Yes, that is what I'm saying since it's exactly what I said.
If you manage to get the badguy and the mindslave restrained in such a way as that there is no possible way they can escape or bluff their way out of punching another guy than good going sherlock you've cracked the fucking case. Honestly if you have enough reason to suspect party A and party B are mindslaved to one and other and have them both in custody than they've obviously fucked up enough that there's probably already no doubt about them being traitors.
You know how else you can find a mindslave if you have them in custody? Take them down to medbay and dig the implant out youRself.
Myself and...well damn, I can't remember my mindslave master dude's name...I'll go with "Thomas". Myself and Thomas were in a similar situation, and we did some creative bluffing around the fact that they couldn't -prove- it was him or that I was a mindslave. Robotics, at the time, was wide open but they didn't use it. They -did-, however, tell me to punch him. I assume this was based on the thought process that a mindslave would never harm his master. He proceeded to say "Yeah sure punch me whatever" and I did. If I was unable to use harm intent, as you suggested, that would've been an instant outing of our traitor status.
I'm not saying that anyone who tries to think of any way that you could -make- a mindslave be good is a sniveling twit, I'm just saying that it brings too many limitations and it's not necessary because we have ~Amins~ who do a damn fine job. If you want to whine about Admin Inactivity, that's an entirely different board and there's already a post about it so you might not even want to bother.