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Minor Annoying behavior with the t5 beneficial mutations symptom
The Tier 5 Beneficial Mutations symptom gives everyone random, stabilized, beneficial mutations, which sounds great on paper, but there are some things that can still make a pathogen with it pretty annoying to the crew.

Firstly, Pseudonecrosis and Meta-neural haze both count as beneficial mutations. This has the effect of making about 80% of the crew appear dead to doctors and not being able to scan them with prodoc healthgoggles. It can be very hard to discern if someone is actually dead or just in deep crit with Pseudonecrosis. Meta-neural haze is less of a problem, but some people still dislike having it, because it can hinder people that are trying to help you. 
I propose changing the classification of both of these (but especially pseudonecrosis) to be harmful, so it won't appear from this symptom, making doctors less likely to want to kill themselves in a round with a pathogen with this symptom.
This change has already been made for the booster genes, and the symptom is MUCH better for it.

My second annoyance is that as you get more mutations, the DNA HUD seems to bug out and shift the buttons to trigger your active mutations more and more to the right, eventually making it so you can only trigger a small number of your mutations. (I am not sure, but I think this might also occur with mutini). Not sure how feasible it would be to fix this bug, but if it were possible it would be very nice!

Thank you for listening!

Messages In This Thread
Annoying behavior with the t5 beneficial mutations symptom - by zjdtmkhzt - 02-15-2020, 05:18 PM

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