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Give incentives to meet in the chapel during disaster
At the start of disaster, Centcomm tells everyone to rendezvous in the chapel, although no one ever does this because frankly it's a terrible idea.  While NT's competence and level of care for their employees is questionable at best, I think it'd be interesting if there was an actual reason for rendezvousing at the chapel, instead of medbay or escape.  (Particularly on cog1, where the chapel is about as far away from escape as you can get.)

One idea is to have Centcomm teleport supplies to the rendezvous point once the power goes out, and possibly periodically teleport more in to incentivize people into staying there.  I'd probably go with this one, since you don't really need to make anything new.
Another idea, which is probably way too much work for something that can literally go months without happening, would be to have the shuttle arrive near the rendezvous point when it's disaster.  It'd certainly be entertaining for the shuttle to smash through the side of the wall, possibly flattening a few folks.
Yet another idea would be to ditch the shuttle entirely, with NT teleporting in the components to assemble a teleporter to CentComm.  It'd probably be thematically appropriate for the void disaster at least.  This would probably be a lot of work but I do recall a few admins saying they'd like to eventually introduce a non-exploity way to get to Centcomm before round end, so you could kill two birds with one stone there.

It might also be interesting to randomize the rendezvous point.  Holing up in the bar would be fun.

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Give incentives to meet in the chapel during disaster - by Mouse - 02-08-2020, 06:33 PM

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