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Major Telesci sent the AI on a trip to nowhere
Recently, I was the AI, and decided to start teleporting my core around with Telesci. This worked as expected, though I couldn't listen to any non-145.9 radio channel. So, to fix this, I teleported myself to the brig. Then, I teleported an air tank from the atmos hookups into medbay, and just as that happened, someone firebombed Telesci.

Suddenly I couldn't hear anything or speak, all of my AI commands stopped working, and any attempt to return to my mainframe told me: You lack a dedicated mainframe! This is a bug, report to an admin!

Also any attempt to speak showed up as bold in the chat, and largely unformatted, showing up as something like "FRANK.TIFF says, oh no where am I???

However, the AI HUD still listed my core as not-destroyed, and my power cell was still at %100.

Then Firebarrage stuffed me into a new core and everything was okay.

I have no idea how to reproduce this.

Messages In This Thread
Telesci sent the AI on a trip to nowhere - by Superlagg - 02-08-2020, 12:58 PM

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