07-10-2013, 12:08 AM
Motherfucker Wrote:Klayboxx is a mad baby who poops on all the threads here because he has nothing of value to contribute.Don't be a dick to other players because they don't like a lot of suggestions, that's stupid.
This idea is a good idea, although I'd still perfer it if mindslaves couldn't just ignore their mindslavedness and be like "ehehe it was an accident~"
Players who "Just ignore it like "it was an accident~" are shit for two reasons. A, they're fucking over a traitor because they want to "Win", which really doesn't exist in SS13. Secondly, they're giving up a golden opportunity to get a free semi-Traitor round in. They also get dealt with by admins if you adminhelp, and they'll help you out too. Learn to adminhelp and we won't need 3462 threads on making mindslaves be good.