Tarmunora's Mentor App (quit bullying me)
Usual character name: Nora Tarm, Nimue Arten, Yasmin Voraes, Selys Voraes, Merol Musip, Sylvia Callews
BYOND username: Tarmunora
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Tarmunora
Recommended by (if applicable):Urs, Pali
Goon servers you play: Goon 2, UTC-6

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):
Having been a part of this server for the past few years, one thing that keeps surprising me for some reason is the number of new people that have showed up over the years. SS13 isn't a terribly forgiving game for new players to try to learn on their own, so I feel like I should pay it forwards and help out the new faces.
As I said, I've been playing since mid-2016, and while I have some gaps in knowledge (the entire atmos system, for one), I've got enough knowlegde about most of the systems in the game to be able to answer most general questions that would come up. My primary areas of expertise these days is mostly chemistry, genetics, telescience, and ~~crime~~ messing around with some less-explored things and figuring out how they really work (looking at you, flamethrowers and how they apply chems when you shoot them). It's that last category, the infinitely many weird interactions in this game, that I think is both what makes SS13 special, and is also what can cause a lot of confusion for people (the way flamers apply chems to floors is... almost unique these days afaik), and lead to the kinds of questions that are fun to answer.
But, yeah, this game has been one of the few constants for me over the past few years, and I think it's important for newer players to be able to ask ask questions and get worthwhile answers, and being a mentor would let me help out even when I'm not standing right beside someone in-game, which I've found to sometimes be a rather awkward way of helping people out, not to mention being rather impractical.
To be honest, I've been meaning to write this up for a while, but I could never really manage to get anywhere without feeling like the things I don't know are some huge deal, or that people secretly hate me, so thanks to those on the discord that have been 'bullying' me into finally getting over it and actually do this.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None

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Tarmunora's Mentor App (quit bullying me) - by Tarmunora - 01-30-2020, 02:07 PM

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