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Enzymatic Reclaimer should only accept butchered meat.
I had no idea that blood/beff/(maybe also synthflesh?) could be added directly to the pod to increase biomass. That's a game changer. I normally just stuff cyro or mannitol if i'm feeling stringent, but that doesn't change the biomass. 

So what do I gather from this thread to offer up a balanced perspective? 

1. Don't entirely nerf the reclaimer. But maybe tweak the values.

The whole process of putting someone in the reclaimer and it automatically removing the clothes (where you can stuff their stuff into a locker, or just leave it on the floor), is just a really nice QoL and should not be removed. However the biomass values of a corpse should probably be reduced (ever so slightly), so that it doesn't automatically translate for one body --> biomass for one cloning. Maybe 90% of the value, so there's a slight inefficiency. 

2. The reclaimer should not completely delete the corpse.

I agree that the corpse deleting is lame, for a multitude of reasons. Slim pickings for the wraith, changeling too. Slim pickings for the Chaplain. Slim pickings for the Detective, knowing who's dead is important. And slim pickings for black market organ salesmen - a lucrative scheme. 

So what should change? Haprenti's point above is solid.. the corpse is partially dissolved in the reclaimer. 

It should randomly destroy multiple organs and limbs and spit out the corpse in a drained (no blood) state. No blood, as this would mean it's not much use to vamps, who right now are already in a v good place in terms of balance. MD's can then do the following:

- Store the corpse in the morgue for later usage (in case they need the leftover organs for biomass) or for selling organs, etc.
- Send the corpse to the crematorium (in case there was something EATING whatever was in the morgue, and pray).

On the topic of emagging: This should now not delete the corpse but SHOULD delete the clothing on the target (as was previous). Maybe also destroy the bodies face, rendering them unknown. 

3. Add some beakers of blood to the organ box

You know the one i'm on about, the one in the morgue. Add some beakers of blood that could be added to that cold storage organ box that frequents the morgue. 

There should also be a READ ME paper in the organ box providing a list at what can be added directly to the pod to increase biomass. A hint should also be added to the roundstart hints as this is a real niche knowledge that I don't think many knew.

Ninja edit: Some may point out that this may indirectly buff lings significantly. I disagree - corpse stealing has always been a thing for lings. Keep in mind that if a ling eats a corpse that is in the process of being cloned, they wont be added to the hivemind - they'll only get the DNA. This means no critter potentials for the ling.

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RE: Enzymatic Reclaimer should only accept butchered meat. - by Sundance - 01-27-2020, 04:55 AM

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