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Allow a short window to bring someone back to life
I think the chance to die could be higher at the extremes and lower/nonexistant at the lower amounts? I don't really see a problem with the current system though. Maybe it's a bit frustrating to get a (really uncommon) early death roll, but I think generally the System Is Fine Now.

Once again, I like that patients dying while in deep crit is a Very Real Threat, but you can still fix them out of it if you're skilled and a little lucky. If you could just revive patients you let die right then and there, then it'd take all the tension out of being a doctor and healing people. Currently seeing a patient die as you're treating them is a bad feeling, I'd personally prefer if that feeling stayed like that. It makes actually saving people more rewarding.

If the death roll were to be removed, I'd rather the "you die" amount of damage be more like -300% or even -200% rather than -500%, that seems too survivable. 

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RE: Allow a short window to bring someone back to life - by Flaborized - 01-20-2020, 04:37 PM

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