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Major Random and constant crashing with unidentifiable cause.
I've had this problem all day and have had no luck in resolving it by myself. I've tried multiple restarts of my computer, the game, I updated Byond to stable and then back to beta as well as clearing my cache.

The things that seemed to have an impact was server population, it happened drastically less on RP1 with 7 people and almost all the time on Goon2 with 30 people. Interacting with tools seems to be a possibility as well. Doesnt happen what so ever in the pre round.

Any help or advice would be great

Edit: Add opening backpacks, picking up tools, putting on equipment and opening boxes to the list.

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Random and constant crashing with unidentifiable cause. - by Carbadox - 01-14-2020, 07:05 AM

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