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Job specific traitor objectives
Cogwerks Wrote:A bunch of the theft goals are incredibly pointless and dumb, I plan to replace them soon. The hell is the point of stealing sunglasses or multitools? It's just busywork.

I might put some untracked goals in there too, things like "have fun!" or "try to mastermind a heist" or "make the science staff incredibly angry" and just not bother having a pass/fail condition at all.

maybe this is a way too big effort solution but
changing the theft objectives from "steal X$ & Y items" to "steal X$ of goods" which could be comprised of cash, money on card, and a mishmash of items whose value would be in your notes or printed on the wiki or something (so each spacesuit is worth $1000, an RCD worth $5000, etc., you could win by having all cash or a bit of cash and some valuables or a backpack full of valuables and no cash)

the steal X$ objective as it stands is one of the boringest currently :/ The only time I had fun accomplishing it was using a hostage to extort the AI into giving the money to me. if it was a reasonable amount of $ such that you could get the cash without the banking computer (mugging crewmembers or selling traitor gear or scamming folks) it'd be more options == more fun

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