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ASS DAY feedback, evolution, ideas. [Gimme Your Thinks]
I really like those ideas @Zam. Those all seems like they can add a lot of potential to a round. I still firmly believe assday should be assday though, the rules should not in any was be reduced to normal round rules, because at that point why even have an assday ? What purge type situation has "most laws from normal days anyways" ??? Might as well just make it a weekly event where admins can turn on mutators and try out new game modes because assday at least per the wiki is "A monthly Goonstation holiday that occurs only on the main Goonstation server every 13th of the month, often compared to The Purge film series" and what is being described here is nowhere near that..

Now thats not to say I agree with the git gud mentality either, the playing field should be entirely equal or as close as it can be regardless if this is your first round, last, or anywhere in between. A lot of the ideas here could easily be added and tried out without messing with the rules. If there is some worry about certain nerds going too hard and no one else having a chance make it so those mutators give an equal chance? If the person in question has killed a ton have it count it up and roll a die for some shitty mutator, IE. Obesity, Random drug injection, Body swapping with a random NPC mob. If the person in question has a low kill count give them a random good mutator, IE, Good genes, A random weapon under their feet, full heal, ect.

In the end all I want is assday rules to be untouched, ghost drone factory to be smited to dust, Respawn to be on, even if its the ass arena, and any of the cool maps/mutators/game modes suggested here. I have 0 issues with the new ideas and unique thoughts, but "change the rules to be the same as literally every other day 365 a year" is neither unique or new, and from the multitude of people voicing themselves would be unwelcome.

-Post warcrimes comment Edit

Some brainstorming for new things:
1.) Portals , everywhere, Really opening up the exploration let new people go see something unique and fun that is usually really hard to do on a normal round, IE. Hellpit, Alchemy Circle, Owlery lab.
2.) Some sort of reputation or behavior system would be Ideal, like I mentioned above, behave and get rewarded, grief and get punished
3.) Game modes I would really like are mostly the NTSO VS Nukes and The blob takeover, always results is some pretty good teamwork
4.) Arrivals and Space diner being protected, no building, no weapon use, nothing. just talking and chilling.
5.) A prayer booth where we can submit our request kind of like the ouija board, with a set list to choose from that we can request.
6.) Some sort of gimmick enabler tied to discord so if the above prayer goes unheard due to no one being on it could get forwarded to a special discord channel were admins or white listed mentors could vote .yes or .no and let it happen or not?

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RE: ASS DAY feedback, evolution, ideas. [Gimme Your Thinks] - by Tewf - 11-19-2019, 02:30 PM

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