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Gang Vampires
I decided to play a round here recently and saw the cool Gang mode changes, which got me thinking on an old idea I've never posted here:

Vampire clans, a new variant or a replacement for Gang mode. Clans are given random stereotypical names like gangs. Members are inducted by the ol' neck bite-aroo by the clan leader up to the normal gang limit. Clan outfits would be gaudy and edgy and make the crew wonder why a bunch of goth twilight fans are hanging around an area.

Clans may paint their clan sigil onto areas to claim them and there would be objectives centered around claiming certain areas like gang. Collecting fresh blood (not from dirty monkeys or medical blood bags) also gains points. Killing innocent civilians will deduct points; the masquerade must be upheld. Rituals can also be performed on sigils to make them harder to convert or protect them with bats and skeletons and the like.

Points can be spent by the leader at the "Clan Coffin (Definitely not a Gang Locker)" on vampire perks and abilities from a large pool. Once a perk is bought by a clan, no other clan can buy that perk (inspired by Civ5/6 Religion Beliefs). Gaining points quickly would be very important if you want your clan to have a certain ability instead of the leftovers. Will you save up for an expensive powerful perk or buy a few cheap ones to help your clan immediately?

Perk Ideas:
  • The various vampire abilities that are already coded
  • Your clan members can write sigils faster
  • Your clan's sigils take longer to be overwritten
  • Your clan members regenerate stamina slowly in darkness
  • Your clan can walk in space and holy ground without taking damage

Messages In This Thread
Gang Vampires - by Arborinus - 11-09-2019, 10:19 PM

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