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Emagging Cyborg Modules Grants Different Items/Cyborg Cosmetics/Syndicate Module Item
Or maybe we should not make the Emag any stronger than it currently is with its ability to emag doors, lockers, crates, hyposprays, vending machines, manufacturers, cybernetic organs, jones the cat, ducks, defibrillators, cyborg frames, certain consoles (in particular the quartermaster's console), cyborgs themselves, bots, ID access, the escape shuttle, and anything I left off the list.

Aside from that I'm fine with some sort of traitor roboticist kit containing this kind of thing, or just having it be its own roboticist item. A hacked cyborg module that has some nefarious tools.

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RE: Emagging Cyborg Modules Grants Different Items/Cyborg Cosmetics/Syndicate Module Item - by DyssalC - 11-05-2019, 10:27 PM

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