Poll: What do you think?
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I approve of this idea wholeheartedly.
16 80.00%
I think the briefcase idea is nice, but not the contracts idea
3 15.00%
i think the contracts idea is nice, but not the briefcase.
1 5.00%
You suck. go find somewhere you can put your idiot brain to good use.
0 0%
Total 20 vote(s) 100%
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The Faustian Bargain: Devilishly Difficult to use.
100% agree on having a way to recover the briefcase, I think it's lame that it can just be removed permanently in a round. Putting a fairly long cooldown on the summon I think would be a fair way to ensure that it didn't make it too strong a buff for the traitor chaplain if they were to lose it during a fight. After all, they also shouldn't be able to just keep teleporting it to their hand if they get properly disarmed in combat.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Faustian Bargain: Devilishly Difficult to use. - by Sick Ness Monster - 10-15-2019, 06:52 PM

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