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Spy: Let Mindslaves See Who Other Mindslaves Are
I do agree that the objectives of killing other spymasters are long drawn out, and often uneven. You gave me some neat objective idea' atomic, basing it around an object could be very interesting. Way more spy stuff involved.

Objective: Locate and secure the briefcase, ensuring that the valuable doohicky returns on the shuttle.
A briefcase is hidden somewhere on the station, and in it is a valuable doohicky sending a distress signal (you have a gps). You can go rush, mindslave nobody and locate the briefcase and find some cool randomly generated stuff, like 1 million credits, poison, other traitor shit, but then you'd be essentially a moving target with the doohicky that's sending out a distress signal you can't turn off.
Or you can build a team then wait till someone gets the briefcase then hunt them down.
Or you can rig the briefcase with a bomb. In which case it would respawn like the nuclear disk
... The possibilities are endless.

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