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What motivates players to cooperate?
Cooperation is the cornerstone of ss13. We delve into chaos, sure, and there's a carnal satisfaction of doing so, akin to digging into a big steak. But there's also a very satisfying round to be had playing as a team, whether it be:

1. Security. This is quintessential. A high functioning security team will make a significant impact on a round, you'll see it on the station.
2. Medical. Although rarer, a medical team that works together can rival that of security. Protip: when spawning as a MD/robo/etc, ask your fellow workers what they plan on doing, whether that be breaking into chem to make perfluro or setting up a booth, etc. Knowing that they're doing X, frees up your time so you can concentrate on something tangential. Many docs just go solo with a bag full of drugs, but forget that there's more to medical research than just healing. 
3. Science. Chemistry, artifact research and telescience are all intertwined. It's obvious when science is working well, it's not just that chemistry is a callous ruin but artifact research will be screeching and telescience will be covered in trinkets. The only shame is that toxins don't benefit from this work. Although arguably, that may be a good thing.

There's a thing about robustness that's often debated. For some, it's having a good connection and knowing how to cheese combat. For others, knowledge of the game is enough. For me its a combination of those with the knowledge of how to socialize with your fellow crew. With social skills, you can work you way out of, or into situations to your advantage. 

This includes traitors. The best example of using cooperation nefariously is betrayal. Everyone has a story of them letting their guard down only for a knife to be plunged into it. Or vice versa. That's robustness right there.

Messages In This Thread
What motivates players to cooperate? - by aft2001 - 07-31-2019, 11:49 AM
RE: What motivates players to cooperate? - by OMJ - 09-18-2019, 09:13 AM
RE: What motivates players to cooperate? - by Sundance - 09-18-2019, 11:41 PM

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